Drop Off & Pick Up Times: 8:45-9:15 am | 3:30-4:00 pm
Gesher “Bridge”
Grades: K – 1
June 23 – August 15
Chaverim “Friends”
Grades: 2 – 3
June 23 – August 15
Gesher & Chaverim campers will enjoy:
- Fun-filled sports curriculum with games and instruction in soccer, gaga, basketball, and kickball in an outdoor setting.
- Engage in weekly programs including nature with live animals, yoga, games, dance, art and more.
- Structured swim lessons and free swim in our outdoor pool.
- Fun-filled special events, theme days and exciting daily programs
- Weekly trips to the Margate beach.
Campers may sign up for as many weeks as they’d like, from 1 – 8 weeks.
For more information call 609-822-1167 or email camp@campbythesea.org.